
About Us

Malcolm Smith 2014

Malcolm Smith was born in London, England just as Europe was plunged into World War two. He came to faith in Jesus Christ in his early teens and experienced a fullness of the Spirit almost immediately that was to change and redirect his life forever. He began to preach at age fourteen and has over the last decades preached throughout the world.

Malcolm Smith is not an evangelist but as he often describes himself, is an evangelist to the evangelized, teaching believers who they are in Christ, the beloved of God and His dwelling place through the Spirit.

From the beginning he had a passion to know how the earliest church understood the Gospel as they changed the face of civilization with their message. He soon realized that the focal point of the Gospel was the covenant love of God cascading into creation through Jesus Christ. But more than doctrine, his passion was to discover the way in which the message of God’s covenant love worked out in our every day lives and the work place.

How do we love one another as He has loved us?

He was pastor of a church in New York City where all that he was beginning to understand was put to the test of the broken lives that fill the streets of that city. It was during that time that he found himself traveling through the U.S. as a teacher and leader of the emerging renewal of the Spirit throughout all denominations in the 60′s and 70′s. These travels extended to almost every continent.

He now resides in Bandera, Texas and conducts retreats and a non-residential Bible School. He also travels throughout the U.S. conducting retreats and meetings in churches and organizations of all denominations.

Unconditional Love Fellowship

U.L.F. is a fellowship of believers discovering the extreme love of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ and now being made known to us by the Holy Spirit. We are confessing Jesus Christ the only Lord and Savior and daily learning in the wisdom and enabling strength of the Spirit to love one another as He loves us. We follow and profess the Nicene Creed. We pray that you will experience the life changing presence of the God who is love.

• All who confess that Jesus Christ is Lord are invited to join in our celebration of the Holy Communion.

• We invite you to join us in singing praise and worship to open your heart and mind as Malcolm Smith teaches the Word of God.

• We offer the ministry of prayer and laying on of hands for any who have needs of any kind

• Come back with a friend every Sunday at 11 a. m.


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