How do we live in this present moment with all the challenges, opportunities, joys and pains that it holds united to the love and life of God that is in Jesus Christ? How do we know Jesus in this present moment rather than merely know about Him as a character of history? The answer is in the two words -- remember and forget. These words in Scripture contain a wealth of meaning that is not reflected in our dictionary definition. In these hours you will be taught how to enter the world of remembering and how to forget the events that would intrude into your life and seek to define you while they torment you! You will be shown how to live naturally in union with God in Jesus Christ and respond to Him in this here and now. This series is from our September 2007 Mini Retreat. -- Jesus Christ -- In This Present Moment! -- 3-Hour Set: 1) The God Who Is; 2) Remember and Forget; 3) Finished! -- UL 2802 CD